“Summer: Hair gets lighter. Skin gets darker. Water gets warmer. Drinks get colder. Music gets louder. Nights get longer. Life gets better.”
Hey Guys! Summer is here! Are you people ready to groove to the beats of the summer parties? Those extravagant pools and beach parties, sizzling throughout the night and mesmerizing music are just a step ahead only if you get fit into your glamorous summer dresses.
No! don’t feel down if you are out of shape and need to lose some fat from your body. You can do it, with the right gym equipment and some crushing cardio fitness tips. Ok now, get on to your feet and buck up. There is a lot that you need to put into practice if you really want to get that body!
Here we go!
1. Get a proper diet
No! no !no! By “proper diet”, I do not mean drinking juice and surviving on salads to get that beach body. Rather, I mean getting your diet cleaned up, like adding up healthier foods to your everyday meal ( also when going out to dine) and quiting those sugary drinks. One of the best ways to prepare for the bikini season is to get the kitchen organized and to remove all the junk foods that are still lying in the kitchen cabinets.
Don’t get stressed and count on all the calories you are taking. Just get your mind set on eating whole grains and unprocessed food. Eating this clean diet will not only get you to shed some pounds, but will help your skin glow and provide you with much more energy to rock the summer activities.
2. Schedule a Spa day
Ask yourself, when was the last time you cared for yourself? You must have some “ me time”, it may be some time out in the gym, working out at regular intervals or pampering yourself at a spa. The main motive is to relax and feel good. There is no need of draining out thousand dollars at a costly salon, it can also be a cozy night in your comfortable bed. Why don’t you do some pedicure and pamper your tired toes a bit? Exfoliate your skin that gives a mesmerizing feel. One more interesting thing is tanning. Did you even know that tanning can actually bring out some muscle and hide your cellulite? This is the reason most of the body builders and the bikini models are bronzed.
3. Follow a routine
The lazy summer days are almost in, and you must be setting up your planner!! But before you do so, listen! Help your body stay in a continuous motion or routine. So never forget to nail your workout routine even when you are for a vacation or cooking out. Whatever be it, never forget your gym equipment.
4. Tone up
Summer season means crop tops and sleeveless dresses. But if you are worried about your flabby arms and afraid to get into your summer wears, then it’s the high time you tone up. Strength training will significantly help you achieve your body goals.
5. Gear up your cardio fitness
Building up lean muscle is a good practice, but you need to continuously focus on your cardio fitness routine. This will help you stay focused and maintain a good body every time.
6. Get your workouts mixed up
Every time going through the same routine is very boring, and you feel like leaving your workout after sometime. So better you do different types of workouts at regular intervals. It is also good for your muscle because once you practice same routine of workout , your muscle gets used to it and stops burning much calories. So keep your body in contentious motion and never let it be familiar with one common routine.
7. Love yourself
When you are working hard every time to keep your body fit and strong, sometimes you must take time out to treat yourself. No, do not think I am talking about junk foods! Rather make it something that will motivate you and help you achieve your goals. You can go out for shopping a new stylish beach dress that you need to fit yourself in. This will give you a new motivation and reason to continue with your strict routine everyday. Moreover, you need to enjoy your schedule, even if it is quite harder for you. You can’t make your efforts successful if you do them monotonously.
Summing up:
Getting into a well-toned body to welcome the summer is what floating around your mind. Right! Then what are you waiting for? Follow the suggestions stated above and get yourself ready for the summer.
If you have something much more interesting in your mind, do share it with us!
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